Forward In Faith Capital Campaign

UPDATE: While the "Forward in Faith" campaign has ended and we are regularly gathering in our new facility, we want to keep this information available on our website for those who might be interested in seeing what God has done.

On Sunday, January 17, 2021, we announced the beginning of our capital campaign to raise funds for a new facility to be built on our existing property.  

A video announcement was played that morning and can be viewed here: video announcement.

Vision Night Information

We held in-person Vision Night events on March 10th and 14th, as well as an online Vision Night on March 15th.  The document below includes the answers to the most-asked questions from those events:


Document Links

Access the online version of the Daily Prayer and Devotion Guide Here.

Access the online version of the Capital Campaign Brochure Here.

2009036_-_NLCC-A1.1.pdf - View Construction Plans

Capital Campaign Videos