Sunday Morning Teen Service: Awaken
Our teen service is available to all middle and high school students during our 9 and 10:45 am services.
What we're talking about in February: "On Your Own"
Game shows can reveal the real strength behind friendships. Whether we're asking for help, solving puzzles, or
overcoming challenges, quality friendships can help us move on to the next round of competition. So, what does it
look like to develop game-winning friendships? In this 4-week series from the Old and New Testaments, we'll explore
how godly friendships can make a difference when we're in the hot seat. We'll see how God's words can help our
friendships grow, how our friends can help our faith grow, the ways God can help us choose our friends wisely,
and how God can help repair broken friendships.
Here's a recap of our last lesson: Here